“My son has been in prison for 7 years now. Today, it is gloomy, and just like seven years ago, a light rain is falling. Ilya was on his way home, and I was waiting for him, looking out the window. For some reason, I looked out right at the moment when he was being led out of the car in handcuffs. I can no longer describe what I felt then: there was so much fear and pain after that day that now I don’t know when I was more afraid. I remember it was cold. Or maybe it wasn’t? But I was very cold because I ran out of the house in light home clothes, and we stood outside for a long time, waiting for them to plant weapons in Ilya’s apartment. So that later they could write in the case files that he was a “dangerous terrorist.” It was only later that we understood what and who we were waiting for.
Early the next morning, FSB officers took the video from the hallway cameras from the building’s manager. The manager herself told me about this, but refused to testify in court, because “she has to live in this city, and she has children.”
Despite everything, we try to live. And despite the pain (which remains as long as my Ilya is not free), as well as the fatigue and disappointment, I try not to lose heart, to find beauty in nature, and share it with Ilya. While I was walking in the park, Ilya called me. In this park, he used to run, work out on the exercise machines, and now I describe to him in detail everything that has changed. Of course, it’s upsetting that this all happened without him, but he will definitely see it all one day. I tell him what music I listen to while walking, how beautiful the fall is in its colorful display…
Of course, as a mother, it pains me that people are starting to forget about the “Network” case (where there was and is no crime), and not only about our case but also about the cases under Article 205. People try not to talk about or mention these cases. But you all know very well that this article has nothing to do with real terrorism today. We were given monstrous sentences. For what???
I so want this nightmare to end soon, so that we all find goodness and happiness.
Thank you all for your faith, understanding, and support!
Endlessly grateful, we cherish and embrace all of you together with Ilya.”
Yelena Shakurskaya, 2024